Contents |
Commander for Android - History of previous versions
What's new in
Total Commander 3.0 final (April 16, 2020):
- Unpack rar5, 7z, tar,
gz, z, bz2, arj, lzh, iso, img, cab in addition
to zip and rar
- Multi-rename tool: To
use it, select at least one file or folder
- Compare by content
(via context menu): Select exactly 2 files
- Backup and install
split APK files
- "Open with"
now allows to choose between file: and content:
URL parameters on Android 10
- Define internal
associations for the context menu "Play
(foreground)", e.g. to set a player for
streaming from plugins
- Hotkeys Ctrl+C,
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V (copy, cut, paste via clipboard)
and Ctrl+R (re-read) for users with external
- Button bar: New
parameters action: and category: supported, to
explicitly set the action and one or more
- Media Player: Show
current track and total tracks under icon in
overhead notification
- Master password: Let
the user choose between the new (BiometricPrompt)
and old (FingerprintManager) fingerprint
- Support wildcards in
ignore list, e.g. *~ or name*.*
- Apply ignore list
also to virtual folders like ///_SD-Card
- Search function:
Added "Older than" option
- Support for Android
What's new in
Total Commander 2.91 final (October 16, 2018):
- Option to use
fingerprint reader instead of master password
- File lists: When
making the lines higher or icon space wider, use
that extra space for larger image and video
- Media player: Tap on
elapsed time on the left to switch to remaining
time (and back)
- Show thumbnails for
.heic files on Android 9 Pie
- Android 7.1 or newer:
Show launcher icon menu with entries
"Home", "Editor" and
"Media Player"
- Two new internal
commands: 156 to swap panels, 157 to equalize
panels (show same directory in both)
- When root folder
"/" isn't accessible, just list known
subdirectories, e.g. /etc, /mnt, /proc, /storage,
/system, ...
- 1x1 widget to open
Media Player activity with last playlist
- New language: Thai,
Serbian split into "Serbian Cyrillic"
and "Serbian Latin"
Button bar, shell command
(sh or su):
- Use full screen width
for results when using dialog box for command
results (* in front of the parameters)
- Allow to insert
single % sign by writing %%, for example %%%N
-> %name.ext
- New placeholder %S
inserts all selected file names, without path,
with double quotes if they contain spaces
What's new in
Total Commander 2.90 final (March 7, 2018):
- Editor: Simple Undo
in long tap context menu
- Unload plugins when
closing via main menu - Exit
- Let the user either
hide or uninstall plugins directly in the home
- Android 8 Oreo
- Better support for
secondary storage like USB sticks
- Fix permissions when
copying to /data/data folder
Media Player:
- Use headset button
for next track
- Don't show video
window for files with audio extensions
- Option to play videos
in background
What's new in
Total Commander 2.80 final (May 9, 2017):
- Unpack ZIP/RAR files
larger than 4 Gigabytes
- Support for Android 7
- New buttons for
audio/video player
- Choose m4a + wav
files in ring tone picker
- Better handling of
external USB and SD-Cards
- Move files from/to
external SD-Cards/USB drives
- Show compatibility
warning about Purify, Greenify...
- Bugfixes: Media
scanner, remount drives on Android N
Media Player:
- Remember last
- Sleep timer
- Notifications for
each new track
- Load album images
from cover.jpg/png/gif
- Show current track
number+total in the notification
What's new in 2.80
beta 10 (May 3, 2017):
- File operation
progress dialog: Show file names on up to 3 lines
in portrait mode (2 in landscape)
- Bugfixes (crashes)
What's new in 2.80
beta 9 (April 21, 2017):
- File operation
progress dialog: Show file names on up to 3 lines
in portrait mode (2 in landscape)
- Bugfixes (crashes)
What's new in 2.80
beta 8 (April 12, 2017):
- Android N: Use new
method to request access to secondary storage,
where the user doesn't need to browse to the
directory by himself
- Android N: Use new
function moveDocument to move files to other
folder on secondary storage (SD-Cards, USB-Sticks
- New internal commands
to sort directly by name, extension ,size, time
(ascencing or descending). Click button again to
reverse order
- Internal
associations: Put * in front of the association
program name to pass the opened file as content:
url instead of file: url
What's new in 2.80
beta 7 (March 10, 2017):
- Media Player: New
internal commands for button bar to play selected
with random and/or loop, and queue selected with
random order (just the added files)
- Support m4a and wav
files in ringtone picker on Android 4.1 and newer
- Support for Android
TV/Google TV: Support menu button in media
player, add media player icon to main buttonbar
- Media player: Show
floating notifications for new track
- Media Player:
Function "Play (background)" doesn't
clear the queue when the player is open. Instead,
it adds the track/folder to the end and plays it
- Bugfixes: Various
problems with root mode; Search function: didn't
find non-English text in UTF-8 encoded files
without byte order marker (BOM)
What's new in 2.80
beta 6 (February 5, 2017):
- Renamed internal
"SD-Card" to name defined by system
e.g. "Internal storage"
- Rename secondary data
partitions like external SD-Card or USB
- Show permissions in
the form -rwxrwxrwx when using "root
functions everywhere"
- Prefer root functions
for copying on rooted devices when normal write
functions fail
- New language: Arabian
- Bugixes: Unpacking
certain ZIP files failed on Android 7, Android 5
or newer sometimes returns 12 hour time format
although the language uses 24 hour format
What's new in 2.80
beta 5 (January 2, 2017):
- New icon "delete
forever" from for delete function
- Show thumbnails for
webp images
- Media player:
Remember last playlist (when player gets killed
by system). 15 seconds notification when closed
via 'X' button
- Bugfixes: Send via
Bluetooth not working, error unpacking large ZIP
files with many small files
What's new in 2.80
beta 4 (September 5, 2016):
- Unpack RAR files
- Support moving files
from/to secondary storage on Android 6 and newer
- Bugfixes: Problems
with secondary SD-Cards/flash drives, track
numbers in media player
What's new in 2.80
beta 3 (May 20, 2016):
- Show free and total
space in ".." go up entry in
- Bugfixes: Media
player notification had invisible (black on
black) text on certain Huawei phones; "Send
to" from other apps to Total Commander not
working properly
What's new in 2.80
beta 2 (April 8, 2016):
- Bugfixes: Media
Scanner, remount on Android N, MediaSession
What's new in 2.80
beta 1 (March 24, 2016):
- Sleep timer to pause
playing after x minutes (optional button in media
- Read Metadata
directly from mp3 (id3v2, id3v1, APEv2), m4a
(iTunes format), mp4, aac (APEv2), ogg, flac
- Context menu items to
move clicked track/selected tracks to the start
or end of the playlist
- Do not resume playing
after phone call ends if the music was paused by
unplugging headset (and not by the phone call)
- Disable gapless
playback for videos since it doesn't seem to work
- Load album art from
cover.jpg/png/gif or folder.jpg from track
directory if no album art present in the mp3 file
- Show currently
playing track and total number of tracks in the
notification if there is more than one track
Android 6 external
- Show properties for
single and selected files/folders
- Copy button: Show
WiFi plugin if it's new enough to support
"content:" URLs
- Android TV, Amazon
TV: Long OK press on ".." updir now
shows "home" and "reload"
menu items
- Properties of more
than 1 file: Show number of bytes, and on a
second line, number of files and (if >1)
- Unpack ZIP files
- Show warning when
plugins cannot start due to Purify, Greenify or
other tools
- Android 6: Unpack
ZIP/RAR files to external SD-Card
What's new in 2.72
(January 8, 2016):
- Better Android 6
external drive support ("Send to",
"Open with",
"Unpack+Edit/Open" etc.
- Media Player: Fixed
problems with equalizer and gapless playback
What's new in 2.72
beta 2 (December 31, 2015):
- Faster file
operations with external usb media/sd-cards on
Android 6
- Fixed problems with
equalizer in TC Media player (due to gapless
What's new in 2.72
beta 1 (December 24, 2015):
- "Root functions
everywhere" was no longer working
- Bugfixes
What's new in 2.71
final (December 21, 2015):
- Long tap on
".." - Create new UTF-8 text file
- Remember last path in
file picker
- Stop creating
automatic log file
- Bugfixes
What's new in 2.70
final (December 7, 2015):
What's new in 2.70
beta 2 (November 27, 2015):
- Android 6: Remember
path on external SD-Card when closing and
re-opening TC
- Android 6: Unpack
ZIP/RAR files to external SD-Card
- Android 6: Open and
unpack ZIP files located on external SD-Card
- Android 6: Create and
change zip on external SD-Card
- Android 6: Create new
file on external SD-Cards (long tap on
- Android 5 and older:
Let the user enable video thumbnails manually
(with Stagefright warning)
- Unpack RAR files to
external SD-Card
- Add files from
external SD-Card to ZIP (on internal or external
- Media player:
Cyrillic ID3 tags encoded as ANSI could be shown
as garbage
- Restore access to
subfolders within ZIP files
What's new in 2.70
beta 1 (November 6, 2015):
- Android 6: External
file system access using new "User-defined
location" button
- Android 5: Remember
the write rights for multiple SD cards/USB drives
- Help viewer: reload
and exit buttons
- Media player: Support
pre-buffering about 15 seconds before a track
ends, reduces gap between tracks
- Media player: Pause
when unplugging headset or disconnecting
bluetooth headset, resume when reconnecting
- Media player:
Optional buttons to jump x seconds
forward/backward, e.g. for e-books
- Use internal Web
Browser and HttpUrlConnection for downloading and
installing plugins (only if there is no play
store installed)
- Hide plugins (via
context menu) from the home folder without
uninstalling them
- Bugfixes
What's new in 2.62 final (August 25, 2015):
- Bugfixes
- Warn when playing file from external URL in media
player (Stagefright Android bug)
- Support for devices without touch screen: cursor
left=select, cursor right=swap panels
What's new in 2.61 final (June 15, 2015):
What's new in 2.61 beta 2 (May 28, 2015):
- RAR unpacker was no longer working
- Sharper icons in higher resolutions
- Bugfixes
What's new in 2.61 beta 1 (May 18, 2015):
- Disable all root functions: Put file named
totalcommandernoroot in base dir of internal
- Bugfixes
What's new in 2.60 final (April 24, 2015):
- Show error/warning when certain XPosed modules
are installed or cause a crash in TC
- Don't use PNG2 extension for icons, seems to
cause problems with some custom ROMs.
- Use white status bar icons on Android 4.4 or
newer, otherwise no % done visible
- Bugfixes
What's new in 2.60 beta 7 (April 16, 2015):
- Option to hide status bar also on phones with
Android 4 or newer
- New language: Belarusian
- Bugfixes
What's new in 2.60 beta 6 (April 9, 2015):
- New icons in upper toolbar and on launcher
(Android 5)
- Show all user buttons in grayscale when using new
button style
- Bugfixes
What's new in 2.60 beta 5 (March 26, 2015):
- New icons (drawn by Max Bazanov, who also did the
Windows Phone icons) now default on Android 5,
can be changed manually on all versions
- Try to load JPG thumbnails from EXIF data, use
rotation flag to rotate images as needed
- Bugfixes, mainly for Android 5
What's new in 2.60 beta 4 (February 23, 2015):
- Fixes crashes in several dialogs using the
ListView control
- Other bugfixes
What's new in 2.60 beta 3 (February 19, 2015):
- Larger default space between icons and file names
- Media Player notification: Very small
"x" button to directly close the player
- Search only in selected folders (and files)
- Bugfixes
What's new in 2.60 beta 2 (January 21, 2015):
- Create new folder in "Save as" dialog
(e.g. in editor, or called from other apps)
- Editor: When a second file is opened while the
editor is open, offer to save the previous file,
then load that new file
- Bugfixes
What's new in 2.60 beta 1 (January 6, 2015):
- Use new Android 5 functions to write to external
- Bugfixes
What's new in 2.50 final (December 18, 2014):
- Refresh Android media database also when changing
files on external media
- Bugfixes
What's new in 2.05 beta 6 (December 12, 2014):
- Support for pen window mode (Samsung galaxy note)
- Bugfixes
What's new in 2.05 beta 5 (September 12,
- Support bookmarks with both source and target
path (for other panel)
- Create links to plugins on Android Desktop
(launcher) by using context menu on folders or
- Button bar, choose icon: Let the user choose icon
for internal commands also for other command
- ZIP packer: Option "Skip all" when
source cannot be opened, e.g. when file is locked
What's new in 2.05 beta 4 (August 26, 2014):
- Now also works on Bluestacks
- Widget to start TC Editor without a file
- Use new plugin to plugin functions to download
files to locked external SD-Card (private TC
- Shell commands on buttons can now take longer
than 10 seconds to complete. After 2 seconds, a
progress dialog with abort button will be shown
What's new in 2.05 beta 3 (August 8, 2014):
- Copy dialog: button for the new "Wifi
transfer" plugin
- Bookmarks: they now can have icons other than the
default folder icon
- Bookmarks: they can be shown in the home folder
- Home folder: Plugins now sorted by name (change
via context menu)
- Home folder: Hide items like bookmarks, installed
apps etc.
- MediaPlayer: Show album art (if available) on
lock screen
- Unpack, Unpack all selected: "Verify"
- Show progress dialog with 1 second delay when
reading plugin directories (so it's often not
shown at all)
- Support for direct plugin to plugin file
transfers (will require plugin updates)
New plugin Drive to access Google Drive (July
23, 2014):
- Unfortunately Google has blocked the "Google
Drive" plugin without warning for violation
of their trademark "Google Drive"... In
Total Commander for Android, please click on
"Add plugins (Download)" in the home
folder, then choose the new plugin
What's new in 2.05 beta 2 (May 20, 2014):
- Support the "Share" button in other
apps: Allows to send single files, images and
selected text to Total Commander, also to all
- Ignore list: Ignore by extension, e.g. *.bak, and
work in root folders
- Android 4.4: Show link to writable area on
external SD card, warn user that Android will
delete files there when uninstalling Total
- Context menu for multiple selected folders: Added
menu items to play and queue files
What's new in 2.05 beta 1 (March 31, 2014):
- Support for external SD-cards on Android 4.4:
Create, delete, copy, move, rename files and
folders (only works with Samsung devices except
for the Galaxy S5 - please complain to your phone
- MediaPlayer: Loop through all tracks (can be set
via context menu)
- MediaPlayer: New audio effects: left/right
balance, bass boost+virtualizer (Android >=
2.3), loudness enhancer (Android >= 4.4)
- Unpack all selected archives via context menu
- UnRAR support for x86-based devices and emulators
(like BlueStacks)
- Create icons on dersktop (launcher) with
user-defined text, icon and even the target app
What's new in 2.04 final (January 22, 2014):
- Streaming ShoutCast radio stations failed when
AdBlock Plus was enabled
- New languages: Serbian (latin characters) and
Indonesian (from
What's new in 2.04 public beta 5 (January 17,
- New languages: Serbian (latin characters) and
Indonesian (from
- Always ignore vold.fstab on Android 4.3 or newer
even if it's accessible, because the path differs
from the mounts file -> better chance to find
external SD card
- Various bugfixes in MediaPlayer
What's new in 2.04 public beta 4 (January 10,
- Improved stability of streaming some radio
stations (shoutcast)
- Removed "Save as" dialog in mail
programs, "Downloads" app etc. because
it was causing problems on some devices
("always open" greyed out). Will be
available as separate app.
What's new in 2.04 public beta 3 (January 3,
- Stream more file types like .ts to external
players (e.g. VLC)
What's new in 2.04 public beta 2 (December 22,
- MediaPlayer: Show controls on Android lockscreen
(Android 4 or newer)
- Download, Unzip, Unrar: Set timestamp as root
when it fails with normal user rights
- Download+Open/Edit operations now also work in
the background (switching to other app).
What's new in 2.04 public beta 1 (December 12,
- Own "Send to" and "Open with"
dialogs with more options, like a list of all
- Improvements and fixes to root functions, e.g.
edit files even with permissions 000
What's new in 2.03 final (December 5, 2013):
- Various bugfixes (mainly for crashes)
What's new in 2.03 public beta 4 (November 11,
- Better holo theme integration: Flat buttons, user
can select dark or bright theme
- Editor: Faster opening of large text files
- "Default" button in font/color
configuration dialog
- Copy timestamp as root when it fails with normal
user rights (bug on newer Android versions)
- Support newer Samsung devices which deny write
access to /dev/urandom
What's new in 2.03 public beta 3 (October 3,
- MediaPlayer: Permanently delete selected files
via context menu (with confirmation dialog)
- Home folder, USB/SD-card: Support mount point
"/dev/fuse" used in some newer Android
- Bluetooth headset buttons: Support for fast
forward and rewind events
- Get CPU wakelock while playing music in media
player, also get WiFi lock while streaming media
What's new in 2.03 public beta 2 (August 26,
- New internal command Refresh (MTP->PC) to
refresh media database to view files from PC
- Detect external SD-Cards+USB drives also on
Android 4.3 (where vold.fstab file no longer
What's new in 2.03 public beta 1 (August 16,
- Support for root functions on Android 4.3
(mounting /system needs SuperSU, doesn't
currently work with Superuser)
- MediaPlayer: Also stream via https, e.g. from
official Dropbox app
- MediaPlayer: Swipe up or down on the left side of
the video now adjusts the brightness
- MediaPlayer: Tap on video while controls are
shown now pauses/continues the video
- Do not react to Back button in the file operation
progress dialog
- Set minimum button size to 48dp, otherwise they
are too small on some full HD devices like the
Galaxy S4
What's new in 2.02 final (June 20, 2013):
- Show error message when setting timestamp via
properties fails
- Show right to left file names left aligned to the
icon, not right-aligned
- Message boxes: Focus first button when invoking
the function via a keyboard (not via touch)
- Pack files up to 4 GB-2 to ZIP, as long as the
resulting archive is smaller than 4 GB
- Unpack files >2GB from ZIP archives (as long
as the archive itself is smaller than 2GB)
- Verify ZIP file by giving /dev/null as the target
for unpacking
- New language: Hebrew
What's new in 2.02 beta 3 (May 30, 2013):
- Do not refresh complete media database only when
copying single files
- Ask user to re-mount file system as read+write
when renaming, changing permissions, or
- MediaPlayer: Context menu item "Add to
queue" also for video files
- MediaPlayer: Play mp4 and 3gp files from Firefox
- MediaPlayer: Play m3u and m3u8 files directly
from the net (download playlist files)
- Initial support for OUYA game console (U=Select,
Y=Jump to button bar, O=Enter, A=Go up)
What's new in 2.02 beta 2 (April 23, 2013):
- Overwrite dialog: Allow to rename file if target
- MediaPlayer: Save last position in files longer
than 10 minutes
- Port to Blackberry 10 and Blackberry Playbook
What's new in 2.02 beta 1 (March 21, 2013):
- Security fix: Disallow access to ContentProvider,
except for the files requested via "get
content" dialog. Found by Boris
Ryutin (TZOR).
- Plugins: Support callbacks to change or refresh
current directory (needed for new USB stick
- Handle associations of files without MIME type
- MediaPlayer: Show play/pause and next buttons
directly in notification (Android 3.0 or newer)
- MediaPlayer: Handle headset buttons play/pause,
next, previous
What's new in 2.01 final (November 30, 2012):
- Context menu now allows to add FLAC files to
internal media player
What's new in 2.0 final (November 23, 2012):
- Drag&Drop files to other panel and to
- Built-in media player with equalizer, play queue,
background playing, full screen video in
landscape mode, stream from LAN and WebDAV
plugins (they need to be updated too)
- Improved stability of background operations
- Select a range of files/folders with a long tap
on an icon
- Copy to external SD-Card on Android 3.0 or later
even without root rights
- Multi-Window support for Samsung Galaxy N7000,
N7100 and N8000
- Set permissions and owner/group for selected
- Custom scroll thumb also in the editor to scroll
long files more quickly
- Custom date and time format
What's new in 1.03 final (June 22, 2012):
- Fixes more crashes and missing images on Samsung
Galaxy S III (only this model!)
- Android 1.5 and 1.6 were no longer supported in
- Sort file lists using current locale settings
(for file names containing accents)
- Button bar icons not working on some Android
versions (because the SDK recompressed them)
What's new in 1.02 final (June 8, 2012):
- Fixes crashes on Samsung Galaxy S III (only this
model!). Some images in the list may not show up.
- Problems with newer GMail versions, which try to
open new mail notifications with TC
- Sort file lists using current locale settings
(for file names containing accents)
- RAR unpacker crashing on Android 4
- LAN plugin: Copy timestamps for both uploads and
downloads (need to update the plugin too)
What's new in 1.01 final (May 20, 2012):
- Bugfix release: Please note that newer plugins
cannot access the connections of older plugin
versions: The package name had to be changed
because the Google Play Store does not accept
names starting with "".
What's new in 1.0 final (May 18, 2012):
- Show hint about selecting files each time the
user chooses a function without selecting
- New menu item "Totalcmd (file:)" which
returns "file:" URL as in older TC
versions, e.g. when attaching a file in GMail app
What's new in 1.0 rc7 (May 4, 2012):
- Copying while TC is in background: Start service
to avoid that TC is closed
- Show USB host in home folder while a drive is
- Full screen mode also on Android 3 and 4
- Send via Bluetooth: big speedup
What's new in 1.0 rc6 (April 20, 2012):
- Background operations: Show icon/progress bar in
notification bar
- Support for devices with MIPS processors
- Improved root functions
- Various bugfixes (mainly for crashes)
- New language: Vietnamese
What's new in 1.0 rc5 (March 23, 2012):
- Various bugfixes (mainly for crashes)
- New language: Japanese
What's new in 1.0 rc4 (December 20, 2011):
- Various bugfixes (mainly for crashes)
- New language: Croatian
What's new in 1.0 rc3 (October 30, 2011):
- Various bugfixes (mainly for crashes)
- New language: Portuguese (partial translation was
already included in rc2)
What's new in 1.0 rc2 (October 11, 2011):
- Various bugfixes (update strongly recommended)
- Button bar: Support parameters also in command
type "Launch app (main function)
- New language: Korean
What's new in 1.0 rc1 (August 19, 2011):
- Initial release on (older beta
versions are available via our forum)
- Notify media library (e.g. for media player)
about copied, moved, renamed, downloaded and
unpacked files
- Open files as zip files even if they don't have
the .zip extension (e.g. .jar)
- Parameter %M for first selected file in other
- Internal "Installed Apps" plugin: Show
version number and SD-card status in name, show
install date+time