
Update instructions when key is blocked

You have been redirected here because you are using a registration key which has been blocked - because it could be downloaded freely on the Internet.

If you are the legitimate owner of this Windows Commander or Total Commander key, you can follow these instructions to update to the latest version of Total Commander:

  1. Scan your computer with an updated virus scanner and spyware removal tool! If your computer is infected by such a malware, it may have given others access to your computer.
  2. If your system has been compromised, be aware that everything which you have stored on your PC is now available to the public, including your browser and commander passwords. It's better to change them now after removing the malware.
  3. If you use any kind of file sharing software, do not share your entire disk! Just share one specific subdirectory.
  4. Send us the following Upgrade order form by air mail or fax, or order the update from the reseller where you bought your original licence.
  5. If your (Company) name or address has changed since ordering your original licence, we need some kind of proof that you still own the licence. This can be a scan/fotocopy of your disk, licence letter, invoice or proof of payment to us or our reseller.